Saturday, 7 December 2013

A Tale of Two Extraordinary Adaptations

Desert Rhubarb (Rheum Palaestinum)

The Desert Rhubarb (Rheum Palaestinum) in the
Negev Desert possesses unusually large rosette-shaped leaves for a desert plant. Most interestingly, its leaf morphology resembles the slopes it inhabits.  Piqued by this observation, University of Haifa researchers determined that is the only self-irrigating plant in that world known to have this capacity - collecting up to 16 times more water per year than other desert plants in the region.  The study has revealed the plant harvests 4.2 liters per year, akin to the rainfall of a mediterranean climate - in a desert region that receives  only 75 mm of rainfall a year.  Deep depressions in its leaves channel water towards its roots - creating its own mini leaf-oasis.  Yev-Ladun (2009) 

Meanwhile, high in the Himalayas above the treeline at 4000 meters where conditions are so extreme most plants cannot survive, Rheum nobile - the extraordinary Noble Rhubarb stands up to 2 meters tall, a hollow column of overlapping pale-yellow leaves rising from a base of green leaves.  Discovered in the 1840s by Joseph Hooker, Rheum Nobile stands tall on the harsh Himalayan scree-clad slopes withstanding both perishing cold and biting wind as well as an invisible-yet-deadly barrage of ultraviolet light. Amazingly, the translucent column functions as a protective greenhouse, enabling it to grow amazingly large at such an altitude.
A few botanical gardens and amateur enthusiasts grow Rhem nobile but it rarely flowers out of its natural habitat.  The flowers are extraordinary: the hollow columns are actually flower spikes.  Pale yellow leaves "bracts" grow from each spike that surround and hide the flowers inside.  Kew Gardens herbarium head David Simpson says it displays great botanical novelty.  Joseph Hooker noted that in winter, after the fruit and seeds have formed, the dead seed bearing stems are in dismal keeping with the surrounding winter desolation. Nicholls (2013)

In 1964 Sasuke Naoao wrote "the flowers open in a self-made warm room" that boosts pollination, he suggested by providing favorable conditions for insects.

Rheum Nobile


So even though this blog takes a slight detour from the glacial refugia topic, it is pertinent because it does make one question why if one angiosperm could manage such extreme adaptations, why were there not more? 

Weeds usually are noted for their phenotypic plasticity, but this example of the adaptation of Rhubarb (Rheum sspof the polygoniaceae family to survive in both extreme aridity and extreme cold is truly amazing.


Wednesday, 4 December 2013

The Tulip Tree and its fossil genome

Many tree species such as Hemlock (Tsuga), Sweet Gum (Liquid Amber), Magnolia and Tulip trees went extinct in Europe during the Pleistocene yet managed to survive the ice ages in North America and Asia. Their extinction is attributed to overall harsher climates through Europe, being closer to the ocean as well as zonal mountain ranges (i.e. the Pyrenees) that halted southerly migrations from the colder north. The larger continentality of the United States and north-to-south aspect of ranges was kinder to tree species during glacial phases.

Isolated relict populations do survive today such as Liquid Amber in Rhodes and Zelkova Abelica (Elm) in Crete and Sicily. 

Today and in the future, the genetic study of plants is and will continue to unravel valuable new information regarding plant evolution and distributions.

The Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) in Eastern North America, related to the Magnolia (Magnoliaceae) family that disappeared in Europe due to the competition from more robust and faster growing tree species during the last 2 million years although today 26 magnolia species are found in North America and 80 in S.E. Asia.

 The Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera)
Interestingly in 2013, research groups from Indiana and Arkansas Universities determined that genetic material within the Tulip tree has remained largely unchanged since the time of the dinosaurs, making it a valuable archive of many genes lost during 200 million years of angiosperm evolution.  Jeffrey Palmer, coauthor of the study explained that due to the slow silent mutation rate, the genome appeared to have been frozen in time for millions of years Richardson (2013).  Prof. Ian Small of the University of Western Australia explained in commentary to the above article that Liriodendron belonged to an early lineage branch that is distinct from other groups to which most of the world's crops belong.

The Tulip Tree survived in North America through mega-scale Cenzoic cooling from greenhouse to icehouse conditions, major continental tectonic changes, orbital and millennial scale climate variability. 

It is also the state tree of Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee.